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Friday, January 28, 2005


Belajar jadi 'Cewek'

Met pagi, semuanya!

Kemarin sore, saya dan 2 rekan iseng cuci mata di sebuah mall di kawasan Depok. Melihat yang lain membeli sepatu / sandal yang murah meriah, saya jadi ikut-ikutan ingin membeli dan hm... pengen jadi 'cewek' ah..

Maka, jadilah saya membeli sepatu sandal manis berwarna krem yang tinggi hak-nya lumayan. 3 cm. Well, bagi saya ini sudah lumayan tinggi. Sudah saatnya berubah pelan-pelan menjadi feminin. Tapi, walaaaaah konsekuensinya bow!

Ketahuilah, setiap pagi saya pergi ke kantor dengan naik angkot kurang lebih 10 menit. Setelahnya, (dengan alasan ingin berhemat uang transport dan yaaah sedikit berolahraga) saya niatkan =setiap hari= untuk berjalan kaki menuju kantor saya. Nah, bagi anda yang mengenal daerah UI, ini rute saya: turun di daerah Kapuk, daerahnya Universitas Gunadarma, kemudian menyusuri jalan didepan universitas tersebut, lalu melewati stasiun Pondok Cina yang otomatis saya harus melintasi rel kereta api, kemudian masuk wilayah UI yang saya harus ekstra hati-hati dengan para tukang ojek yang kerap menyalipi (duh bahasanya) bis kuning, dan setelahnya (ini favorit saya sebetulnya), saya harus menyusuri jalan setapak di pinggir danau UI untuk sampai ke kantor saya. Total waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk jalan kaki ini adalah kurang lebih 10 menit.

Bayangkan saya harus melalui ini dengan mengenakan sepatu sandal yang tinggi hak-nya 3 cm! Oke, bagi sebagian 'cewek' ini seharusnya biasa saja, tapi bagi saya.. whuaaaah... hiks... kedua kaki langsung teriak minta dilurusin. Menjerit agar besok-besok tidak dibiarkan menderita lagi. Mana hari ini Jum'at pula, yang berdasarkan peraturan tidak tertulis kami dibiarkan bebas mengenakan 'atribut' apapun ke kantor. huhuu... :(

Yah sudahlah, mungkin ini hari pertama saja. Lama-lama juga terbiasa. Ada teman yang bilang, "biasanya 'cowok' suka lho dengan 'cewek' yang feminin". Jadi, sedikit usaha nggak apa-apalah.. hihi.. *twink twink* Centil Mode: ON.

Duh, btw, jadi kepingin nonton Pretty Woman deh. Week end ini ke Mangga Dua aaahh.. ;) Ada yang mau nitip??

hehe kadang emang sepatu or sandal baru itu butuh adaptasi dengan lecet dulu di kaki. awal2 pake sepatu baru Rani juga biasanya gitu.. butuh sekitar 2 mingguan.. makanya jarang ganti sepatu or sandal.. hehehe.. tapi lum pernah nyoba hak tinggi sih :p

nitip anu.. hmm Sony Memory Stick Pro yang 512 MB... ntar kirim kesini yaaa.. ama DVD yang baru2 boleh juga.. :p

Happy wiken mbak ;) have a great one :)
Duuh, mbakku dah mulai kecentilah nih :D
mampir nich dari jaksel,,
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Well, I can understand that, so give me a chance to explain and yall might better understand why Id pick the Nature BoyA lot of us guys around here grew up in very rural settings We either lived out in the country, on farms, or even in the woods Because we lived out in the sticks, our lives evolved mostly around church, school, and home, in fact, most of our weekends were spent at home And, if you were one of us guys during a typical Saturday in the seventies or eighties, your TV viewing choices were either cartoons or professional wrestling [url=]nike dunks low[/url] One of my favourite stories about the power of imagination in golf comes from an American Major, James Nesmeth He was an average golfer consistently scoring in the mid 90's, until he developed a unique way of improving his golf game It came when he spent seven years in North Vietnam as a prisoner of war During those tortuous years, Nesmeth lived in solitary confinement inside a prison cell that measured four and a half feet high and 5 ft long To keep from losing all hope, he realized that he needed to do something to occupy his mind [url=]air yeezy glow[/url].
It doesn't matter what's in the golf bag if the golf swing is faultySkilled golfers who know their own game usually find that making small physical adjustments increases their drive length dramatically Golfers should concentrate on conditioning aimed strictly at golf The idea is to maximize a golfers flexibility and strength, and this should result in an improved golf swing which creates longer, straighter drives that produces consistent solid powerWhat does the future hold for golf as advances in technology continues to make golf courses shorter Newest designed golf courses are already obsolete by the time they have opened because of the changes to the golf ball and equipment [url=]Lebron 10 shoes[/url] You will be able to find out information that is important like who is using your article feed and who is looking at your articleFive: Unlimited articles - Most of the services that you find will allow you to submit as many articles as you can write each monthBlogging present an unlimited money-making potential Some make money from advertising Like the traditional newspapers and magazines, marketers are starting to realize the value of directly placing advertisements in niche blogsA person who writes a blog on digital cameras for example can make money placing advertisements of various digital camera brands Some companies place their ads on blogs indirectly by asking bloggers to write about topics related to their company [url=]foamposites for cheap[/url].
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Business development executives who do not train and are not committed to growing their subordinates are not worth your time as if you are not advancing in your career, what is the point of employment at the firm2 What do his / her superiors think about themWhat a sales manager's bosses think about them will give you very strong insight as to what type of individual this person isSenior management of any company likes leadership Subordinates in any company need leadership and directionLet senior management tell you if the sales manger has the ability to lead and whether they command the respect of those above them [url=]Air Griffey Max 1[/url] They aim at providing the best quality craftsmanship to all their clients, no matter how big or small the project may be No wonder, they have an extensive client base that includes both residential as well as commercial customers Some of their important offerings include- good value for money, professional and courteous service, honest and effective advice, long term and continued support The best part that differentiates these reliable London builders from people in similar lines of business is that they offer a turn-key solution for clients who require both an architect and a builder A typical turn-key project includes the following stages: Design options and planning feasibility Planning application preparation and submission Detailed schedule of works and cost plan Co-ordination of professional team: Structural engineer, party wall surveyor, quantity surveyor (if required), and building control On-site construction and project managementWhatever be the stage of the building process, these experts have the skills and expertise to make the project a success [url=]Air Jordan 4[/url].
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Really, though, the only kind of home business that can benefit enough from radio ads to justify the cost is one that does anything to do with cars Since radio is almost entirely limited to use as in-car entertainment now, you know that almost everyone your ad reaches will be a car-owner, and so might be interested in what you're offering If you offer something that people need cheaply or even for free, you can get a big responseUnfortunately, that response could be a little too big -- thanks to the time-sensitivity of radio, you'll get mobbed the next day, and then everyone will forget you again Radio advertising offers the listener no opportunity to keep your ad and refer to it later, or to find it again in the future [url=]nike blazer shoes[/url] Dont be disappointed if the first month doesnt yield more than fifty visitors I didnt even get thirty my first month but I kept at it, and thats what it will take from youNow with that said, I know it was a lot but it had to be said Heres what youve been waiting for the way to drive traffic to your website Start by setting up an account at a couple of blog sites [url=]nike heels fr[/url].
For example, topic, style, word count and so on You will receive back bids from a numbers of authors Read what they have to say and read their sample works A little tip: if you go with the cheapest guy on the block, you will probably get poor work So it is better to at least go middle of the road in terms of pricing [url=]nike cortez nylon[/url] Very to the in contrast, the actual gas-powered compressors might be more beneficial because they could be utilized just about anyplace Additionally, there are guide air compressors that just require human being force All those are usually the little compressors or maybe the mini air compressors that you utilize for simple home tasks, like inflating the raft, the tyre or beginning a fireplace With regards to the development, the quality compressors are probably the most complicated ones and they are mainly used not in household level however large industrial level With this group, you are able to count the actual pistons compressors, the actual bolts compressors or maybe the motor-compressors [url=]jordan retro shoes for sale[/url].
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These include water, extra food, a compass and maps, first aid kit, flashlight, pocket knife or multi-tool, waterproof matches and lighter, space blanket, twine or fishing line, and extra clothing and raingear These items are for surviving the outing and should be carried every time you go into the wilderness What Im trying to say is even though you may not use these items, having them and not needing them is much better than needing them and not having them This one basic premise will improve your fish catching ability and will set you apart from the fishing novices How do you think the fishing pros are able to consistently catch fish when other fishermen do nothing but drown their bait They use the same fishing tackle, rods and reels, fishing lures and live bait as everyone else, but they always catch more fishYou will catch more fish!That little teaser should have caught your attention However, learning how to put this technique into practice takes time, patience and persistenceLet us start at the beginning [url=]cheap uptempo shoes[/url] However, just like the traditional business, there are also hundreds to thousands of stories about individuals who have lost almost everything through Internet marketing because of several reasons First, they failed to plan their home-based business carefully Without proper marketing strategies on what type of home-based business they want as well as how they will promote it resulted in losing the shirts of their back instead of getting a new one every now and then Second, they failed to understand the basics of Internet marketing All they know is that Internet is a pool of thousand to millions of dollars [url=]Nike Air Max 95[/url].
He beat Charles Kushner and Jon Corzine who were also interested in buying the franchise After sale the team was expected to be relocated to New York In 2005 an official announcement was made for relocating the team to Brooklyn The star singer Jay-Z is also a member of the group that owns the team It is being planned to either rename the team as Brooklyn Nets or some other name in context of its location [url=]women foamposites for sale[/url] Whatever new revelation they might announce, basic rules of the game stay same Those can be learnt without a dimeFor a business you need a product, a site that will sell that and promotion of your website or product As for as product is concerned there is no magical product One needs to search his market and choose his product whether it is his own product or an affiliate program [url=]Nike Air Max Hyperposite[/url].
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See what claims they make as to the amount of money you can reasonably expect to make, and the opportunities for advancing yourself You want to become familiar with the product or service the company offers Speak to as many of the company's independent contractors as possible, to see how they feel about the product or service, as well as the business opportunity They will be able to give you a lot of insight about the home business Also, speak to current and former customers of the company to get their opinions of the product or service, and to find out what kinds of experiences they have had when dealing with the company [url=]Girls Lebrons shoes[/url] If you can't offer up some type of proof, (copies of checks, real testimonials, etc) then just keep it to yourself The point being made is this [url=]Belstaff Backpack[/url].
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Then the other story also doing the rounds is that a retired architect and puzzle enthusiast by the Howard Gerns invented the game Yet although these stories conflict because they credit its invention by different people, they do in fact agree on two pointsFirstly that Sudoku was first published in 1979 by Dell Puzzle Magazines with the title The Number PlaceSecondly that both Gerns and the puzzle creators from New York were inspired to produce their own versions by the game called Latin Square of Leonhard Euler Leonhard Euler was a Swiss mathematician who presented a paper called De Quadratis Magicis at the St Petersburg Academy in 1776 [url=]breitling watches for sale[/url] Today, Nike actually employs executives as “corporate storytellers” to remind their staff of the values of the original founders and that their business is about getting things doneIn business, as in life, beliefs can move mountains Without belief, without a positive set of beliefs, and without action to act on these beliefs, we achieve nothing Our beliefs and values drive us and our businesses [url=]gucci wallets for men[/url].
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Business is experimental! Many of you have heard me say this before, but it is so critical Try something (like a new class or marketing method) If it works, keep doing it (and expand on it) If it doesnt work, then dump it (or fix it and try again) With Lisa and Joseph, we didnt know if this would work or not, so the plan was that if fewer than 12 people signed up, the class would be cancelled [url=]kindle fire HD for sale[/url] The color of the shoes, compared with 2009, is known as absolute classic This shoe has a white and blue high school in 2000 and 2006 color limited edition of the "purple grape" color Although the Air Jordan 5 in recent years the trend has spread, but this new color will be able to won the first recommend at re-shoe market of summer 2011 by virtue of its high popularity A group of entrepreneurs, who realized that there was a segment of consumers who were crazy about sneakers but did not have an online store where they could buy Nike air max shoes and other shoe brands, founded kick Crew As such, this group was founded with the main aim of providing consumers with their products Today, kicks crew has grown over the years to include many brands of shoes It has members based in China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, among other countries The rapid growth of Kicks crew can be attributed to several factors [url=]apple ipad 2 16gb[/url].
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